Terengganu dialect.

* Hola everybody! *

So we meet again. In this entry let’s discover about Terengganu Malay. Have you ever talk to Terengganu people before? If yes, they might make you think Terengganu’s dialect is hard to be learn, it is somehow true. It is because only they can correctly pronounce all their words. So basically, Terengganu Malay is used in Terengganu and all the way southward to coastal Pahang.  We often heard that Terengganu dialects ends with 'ng'. But then, not all of them ends with 'ng'.

Not all Terengganu words end with 'ng'

These are some example of Terengganu Malay:
Kamu - Mu
Selalu - Sokmo
Tak nak - Tak boh
Ketawa - Suka
Kenapa - Bakpe
Tidak/ Tak - Dok
Yang - Hok
Apa khabar - Apa kabo
Cepat - Derah
Membebel - Bleber

Some of Terengganu Malay thas has been used everyday.

An English man who can fluently speak Terengganu Malay.

So I think, you should know some of Terengganu words in order to adapt to their environment.

Terengganu food.

* Hello fellas! *

In this entry I am going to speak about Terengganu traditional food. All of them are very delicious and can only found in Terengganu. As Terengganu is situated along the coast, most of its dishes prominently feature fish, coconut and rice. The most famous one is the crispy snack, keropok lekor. It is made of fish meat ground to a paste and mixed with sago.

Keropok lekor can be easily found in Terengganu.
Keropok lekor is more delicious when eating with chili sauce.

Next, is sata. It is an interesting blend of succulent boneless fish marinated in spices, wrapped in banana leaves and grilled over a flaming charcoal fire. Its sweet taste is tinged with delicate smell of the wrapping, making it a great appetizer and a healthy snack.

Sata is spicy but delicious.